Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Mother and I Constantly Fight.?

She is always constantly nagging at me. I love her, but there are times when I just want to slap her and tell her to shut up. I know this sounds like being a regular teenager, but I'm afraid things tend to get more serious. She's constantly condescending, not only to me, but to everyone else in the family, and there are times when I dream about doing a murder/suicide. I'm not going to ask if this is normal, but some resolutions WITHOUT counseling would be lovely.

Insanity with the neighbors dog?

next time its loose get it to come to you then take to shelter, tell them it was running loose they have to take it. tell them nothing else. id bet they wont even go looking for it never mind pay money to get it out. if its little and cute hopefully will get adopted. its got to be better then where its at now. once its available for adoption you can even start telling friends about it.

Can a wedding ring be paid for in installments?

Jewelry stores have credit plans just like anything else you buy. You put it on the store's credit card (and take it home with you) and pay monthly payments. A lot of times you can get a deal where you pay no interest if you pay it off within a year.

I have PVC's in my heart regularly so I saw a cardiologist and?

He did a full in office exam, listened to my heart carefully, had blood work done with cardiac markers and did an EKG which all came out normal. He had me go to a stress test (treadmill) with an echocardiogram before it and after it. On the echo before it the tech doing the test said it was odd because he either couldn't get a good picture or the middle wall of my heart wasn't moving correctly. Everything else looked good in my heart and arteries, including my aorta. I did the treadmill test fine then got back for him to look at my heart and arteries again. This time he said my heart was working fine, just beating fast (102) after I rested for awhile which could be attributed to my being out of shape. He said he must have been mistaken and sent me off. I went into the cardiologist appointment for follow up a week later and he said everything looked great to him and that my heart was totally normal. Would he have seen my heart working like videos so he could possibly see what the tech meant? I just am hoping they didn't miss anything. I also had chest xrays and a holter monitor which showed normal.

Horse nursing?

what are some things you can do with a horses ? I am trying to do an evironmental experiment on our local rural community and this is important in expanding my knowledge. Also would like to know if anyone has used a vibrator on a horse as well for science

I just met a new girl last night not sure i should...?

i met her and we added each other on facebook.. now what?.. should i wait and talk to her on chat (waiting for this has KO'ed me b4) im leaning more towards a PM.. what should i say in the PM (this is pretty much the main question) we talked about her starting college thats about it or all i can remember.. and is askin for a coffee in the 1st convo/PM a bad idea should i wait for the response.. facebook and dating is retarded shoulda just got her number.

What is a drought?

A drought is a sudden shotage of water. There is not enough or "adequet" amountof water. For example, droughts happen in deserts.

Your Opinion Please. Implantation bleeding? ?

I have been taking Alesse birthcontrol for 7 months now, i take it at the same time everyday and havent missed a pill, i took one late about 4 months ago but thats it. Me and my boyfriend havent used condoms for about 4 motnhs now (he pulls out before ejaculation) but on thursday night we used a condom (ribbed) and a new kind of lubricant but we had pretty rough . friday night i noticed a brownish pink discharge when i wiped and it is now tuesday and i still have it on and off im due to get my period on friday as i always do on the day of my forth green pill but im not sure what this discharge is all i can find is that it could be implantion bleeding. Please let me know what it could be other then pregnancy( i thought birthcontrol stopped ovualtion what are the chances of me being pregnant after taking it for 7 months)?

I am 10 weeks pregnant and waiting for my scan, i am petrified of miscarriage or an empty sac.?

I have normal pregnancy symptons and have had no pain or bleeding but seem to be surrounded by people who are losing their babies. Im more worried about the sac being empty but doctors and midwife tell me not to worry.

What is meant by concentration gradient,turgor prossure gradient,oxygen gradient?

all three terms have to do with diffusion. Concentration gradient has to do with which way the matter is going to diffuse. tugor pressure has to deal with the amount of water in the vacuole of the plant cell (high tugor pressure causes the plant to stand firm). Basically once the word 'gradient' is attached to a term, it is refering to the tendency of diffusion of matter

How ticklish are your feet?

Well, the size of the feet isn't the issue. It's how you are wired in the brain and what information your nerve endings will ultimately send back. I have size 10 feet, they are off-the-scale ticklish *shudder*, and it gets worse the closer you get to the toes. My heel starts out at a 7 (on a scale of 10), and by the time you reach the , toes, and tops . . . I am tugging, jumping, jerking, and doing crazy mixed laughter, being 10+ off the scale. And I'm one of the very few females (that I'm aware of) that enjoys being tickle tortured. I love how it feels! It's just an amazing feeling! The more intense the tickling, the deeper into euphoria I go. It's great. *lol*

Skyline r34 look alike in usa?

i have just moved to nj from england i wanted to import my r34 but after all the research i have done looks impossible so im guna make a skyline r34 look alike any ideas on what car to fit the shape and anyone know any garages in us near nj that can take this sort of job on thanks.

Is there really going to be a earthquake tomorrow?

i just got a text saying that!!! it'd sucks if that really happens. but i dont really think it will!! i mean if it was true dont you think the news would be warning people to take caution?

What are good games for DS Lite?

i have a DS Lite and what are good games to get i already have burnout legends, mario karts, and need for speed(im returning this one, it sucks)

How many games will the 2010 world series take?

I booked the 6th game, and am flying all the way out to san fran to see the giants. I know this is a gamble, but I'm hoping it will go up to at least 6. What do you guys think?

Where will this country go at this rate?

I think that we're clearly becoming fascist. There is a greater disparity between rich and poor, police violence and corruption is at a high, our news stations are owned by corporations and politicians with their own agenda anyone that stands for freedom and democracy is labeled "anti-american". Science is completely disregarded as useless, extremists are forcing (often brutally) their religious beliefs and most of all, everyone is angry. I think the mccain will bring us more what bush has and bush has almost toppled this great, or shall I say, what used to be a great nation.

Baby #4 is def a boy...Name help please?

I have three boys: Devon, Logan, and Hayden(they are already named, so please no opinions needed). I am expecting baby #4 that I was hoping was a girl--but it's a boy! I'm 33weeks and still have no name. My husband and I agree on nothing. I like Parker and Tyler and Ashton (even these names I go back and fourth) He likes Adam and William and Darwin. I think the names he likes don't fit in with the other kids, and he thinks my names are no good. My boys have traditional middle names: Henry, James and Richard. I am at a lost. We kind of like Drake, but we have a one syllable last name. Any ideas? All suggestions are welcome!!! Thank you!


Newee, though you are not going to like to hear it...this guy is just not into you. He knows you are there for him ually, but that is his only real interest in you. Just because a guy will have with you should never be confused with him wanting you to be a part of his life. Did he call you while you were carrying his child? Did he call and comfort you when you lost his child? Men, most of them anyway, just don't think the way we do. Obviously you are free to do as you please here, but at some point you must face the music and realize you have been used. I am so sorry.

Can God or Gods be considered to have a placebo effect?

I am an Atheist, but i absolutely agree that religion is a brilliant invention to instruct others in the good morales of life. I am just wondering if God gives the brain a Placebo effect inducing majestic experiences.

I've been feeling more jealous lately....?

Mostly this is an impact of the eclipse and Jupiter in Aquarius. Picture should be clear by May this year.

I sold an iteam on ebay, and the seller received and left feedback and i did the same. Paid via paypal, help?

When will i be able to use the paypal he sent me? It says on my account that they will hold my payment for 21 days unless i get feedback from him, which i did. and its not working yet. Whn will i be able to use it, or what do i have to do?

Monday, November 14, 2011

To anybody that have a good voice?

okay i think i have a good rhythm voice but whenever i try to hit that whitney houston or mariah carey note my voice crackles or stops can you give me good tips on how to help my vocals or me to get that high note plx thanx

Help fixing my B.?

If there is no sound (which seems to be the problem), I would try a different cable, then check the input jack on your b. On the inside there are a few pots that are soldered together and one of the solder joints may have broken. So try these first and I think you will find your problem.

Should I get a computer diagnostic test for my car?

I have a 2004 Chevy Aveo and the check engine light comes on and then goes off at random moments. When it first came on, I went to the shop and they used the handheld machine, but didn't get any code. After that, it went off, but then came on again. They suggested the computer test at a cost of $89.99. I was looking into getting it done before because whenever I turn on my defroster, my car stalls and sometimes shuts down. Any advice given will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

How much do oil pastel artists generally charge for their art?

I'm an art student who's been asked by several people to draw their family members in oil pastel. I know the cost of my supplies, but how much do I charge for my work?

Dana 44 HD help? anyone?

ok i just bought a dana 44 HD and it was tore apart and i need help with the whole pinion depth and i need to know if i can take the ring and pinion out of my old front end which is just a regular 10 bolt chevy and put the ring and pinion on my new dana cuz i need to have the 4:10 gears to match the back and the dana came with 3:73's any help please?

Auto insurance question for someone sharp?

My car was plowed into by another car going 40 mph. The car needs a new bumper has bent metal , muffler damage, paint damage...the list goes on. The other party accepted liablility. The auto dealer where I dropped it off said it could be fixed for under $500 LOL. The police and my husband thought the damage was at least $2,000. I called to ask about the low price and they said they were not sure if it needed a new bumper. The bumper is totaled. What advantage for the insurance company/auto place would it be to not fix a car properly. BTW I'm injured too and was taken away by ambulance...still can't move my neck. Please help.

Alternatives to Vasectomy?

I think they are going to consider your age up front and how many kids if any that you already have. There are some other options, you two could just not have at all(does not help the relationship any)stay with what you have been doing as in the condom, go with(not recommended)the back door. Get tested to find out if your both capable of having kids. Help him get a few samples and put them in a storage(check on the cost of that)so later on when you decide you are ready older, job security, financial secure, then make a withdrawal an be come pregnant. he could go ahead with the vasectomy, they are consider reversible but they are not or last I heard 100% revesarable. the ball is in your court.

Who can give me a good personal opinion on WWI.?

i am doing a report and i can not think of a personal opinion. i need a personal opinion on the four main causes of WWI. serious answers only please. -THANKS!!

How much does a DISNEYLAND vacation cost these days?

Well, you could buy tickets for admission cheaper at stores like vons and albertsons. Look it up online! =) Hope you have fun! Get a park hopper ticket, whick lets you in both parks!

Honda vt 750 fsm question?

is the honda vt 750 magna and the honda vt 750 shadow fsm the same manual cuz i cant find one for my magna .......

How do I get my boyfriend to slow down?

just talk to him about it, tell him you want to slow down a bit, if hes a good guy and truely likes you he will accept this and slow down. and tell him your not sure saying things like that to his daughter just yet are a good idea.

Will drug detecting dogs find a charm bag? For Witches and Wiccans?

I am not Wiccian or a witch, but as far as the dogs go, I think you should be fine They are trained to indicated on certain scents and most of those, except for catnip can be found in ordinary things like air fresheners and lotion.

Is my boyfriend right?

dang, and youre still with the guy? He sounds rather ist and cheap...sorry but he sounds pretty wrong to me. You dont hold things over your lady\mans head...ever! Its low and wrong. If you can, get outta there and be your own woman.

Embarring!! female q?

Just make sure it's trim and not wild and untame. Being bare and hairless is nice, but no guy will mind either way as long as you're clean and well maintained.

Is this a prayer room or just a hidden room?

I inherited my house from my grandfather. When I divorced my husband, I was awarded it because it was important to me (that and my ex was a real jerk and I won full custody of the children). I have always wondered about this room that's in the house and what it was used for. It literally is a hidden room. If you were to walk around the house you wouldn't even see it, and it doesn't have windows either. The entrance is hidden in the back and on the side of our very narrow broom closet. Why it has double doors I don't know, but it does. It's carpeted and in one section has linoleum. I currently use it for storage because I already filled up the attic (I kept my children's clothing and other sentiments) and I don't want to have to move anything down to the second or third levels of the house. What in the world is this for? If anyone knows, PLEASE let me know! I also thought it could have been used as a prayer room or something. You can't be disturbed in there.

Urgent: Need Help With Dog Please?

I adopted my dog last year and she was pretty mangled when I got her home. She had a broken leg from being beaten so badly amongst other issues from her previous owner (T.M.I: Not Part of the Problem). To top it all of she was underfed. I put her on a regimen with her dog food where I gave her 1/2-3/4 of a cup two times a day and I was walking her often. She was at about 20lbs which was a healthy weight but now she is 30lbs and I am starting to worry because I can tell she is getting pudgy. She is an 20 month old Tibetan Spaniel mix. I want to know what I should do to get her down to a healty weight again. Any ideas? Thank you ahead of time.

What is the best industrial printer to print leaflets, self-adhesive labels and brochures?

Our design company wants to branch out into doing our own printing in-house but we are unsure of what the best make of printer is. We would be printing business cards, leaflets, brochures, posters and self adhesive labels in digital format. Does anyone have any advice of an industrail printer that would meet all these requirements? Any info would be helpful, thanks.

Isn't it odd how whenever I call in an employee on Sunday morning, they suddenly become devout...?

I don't have to use it, I made it very clear to employer I couldn't work on Sundays, period. He accepted that and we're good. If you have a problem with your employees attending Church don't hire a believer, go with those that follow, worship and praise Satan, their available to wreak havoc in your life and your business 24/7.

How effective are vasectomies?

My husband had one about a year and a half ago and tested "clean" in two susequent tests, but now I'm a week late!!

The saxons were more effective invaders than the normans?

Well....I have to say the Normans were far better invaders, simply because William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, conquered England, changing Saxon culture forever. The Saxons never really conquered Normandy.

Hey i live in ny upstate and i wanna be a model where do i start?

im 17 i alwas get complaments on how much i look like a barbie doll i wanna be a model really bad but i dont no where to start? what sould i do

All day Morning Sickness, PLEASE HELP!?

I had that exact same thing from week 9 to week 13. The trick is to try not to have an empty stomach even if its hard to keep down food. Try munching on cadies or gum anything between meals thatll stay in your stomach. Also start drinking a lot of water because you'll dehydrate. Good luck. It'll go away soon

Democrats propaganda?

It seems to me that the democrats never stopped campaigning. With this new ad out about the republicans saying "no to rebuilding America," it just looks like more partisan slams. What it amounts to is a subtle attempt at a coup. It seems as though they are trying to ensure their continued level of power in government by belittling the other party mercilessly. It is basically, if it succeeds, a communistic one-party rule system. They ruthlessly bash anyone who gets in their way. Rush Limbaugh? They've been on him for years. Fairness Doctrine? More like censorship legalized. What else would you call it? Trying to censor the opposition, putting out a stream of never-ending propaganda against the opposition, and continuously reneging on campaign promises in favor of cramming through partisan bills and laws because they CAN. Does that sound like something healthy for our country? It sounds like Stalin without the Great Purge....

What is excessive speculation in commodities markets?

What they mean with that. Betting on what? how are the oil traders doing this are they using the new law of deregulation of energy or the loop hole on the ice exchange in London? Many believe that speculation is the main culptrit for high oil prices not the supply and demand like the press and some politians want us to believe.

How did God's perfection degrade into an imperfect creation?

Free will: God didn't want to be worshiped by robots. He gave us each a mind of our own and a choice. You along with others deny him and mock him. You have made yourself into a imperfect creation.

How can I gain muscle m?

I'm a 13-year-old. I weight about 105.6 pounds and am 5'4". I know I'm not overweight, but I have a lot of fat on me (the squishy kind). I swim every week and do yoga twice a week. I've been eating more fruits and vegetables and less junk food. What else can I do to gain more muscle m without having to buy exercise machines?

Can I get a male enhancement pill which works? I couldn’t find any.?

I tried many male enhancement pill and they all suck man. Anyone who tried any enhancement pill that worked?

PLEASE answer this question! Long details, but i need answers!!!!?

I'm 12. There's this girl who's been my best friend since we were 3. We promised to always be best friends, go to each other's birthday parties, etc. Recently(for atleast the past 1 1/2 yrs. ), she's been kind of mean. I don't really want to be her best friend. i sort of wanna be friends, just not bffs (i don't want 2 invite her 2 b-day parties). But, I think she'd take it really harshly i told her. She has other friends, and she likes some of them better than me. But she'd still hate me b/c she's self-centered and thinks every1 likes her(especially me) and i think she feels a little like i do -- she probably still wants me as her friend, but she'd see me telling her as i hate her. Also, her family is like my family-friend and her siblings are my siblings' friends. we invite them over 2 swim a lot, which means we still have 2 live with each other no matter what. It's complicated and hard to explain, but using what i told u, plz try 2 help me. thnx

What are the agricultural products of plantation agriculture??

You need to learn to do your own homework. I'm guessing this is a geography question, so get out your textbook and look in the chapter you're studying. If you have a worksheet, then the answer is probably in a diagram or on a map of some sort. The first answerer gave you a lot of clues and listed a lot of the right products, but you need to actually look for the rest.

Am i too small?

ur not small dude. thats pretty normal for any guy an if ur 7 than thats on the big side. it realy dont matter how big it is soft. mine gets pretty small when its soft. its realy not that big hard either but im hopin i get to 6 inches at least. im 16 and 5.7 inches. an u can still grow cuase ur still young but realy ur pretty good

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Advice needed; my new neighbor is totally coming on to me...?

What ever happened to being coy? I really hate how in your face these gays are nowadays. I just said this to my Goodies last night while I was helping her apply cocoa er to her chocolate chip nips. It's like...everything has to be about gay . Thank the good Lord that these people can't marry in the great state of California.

How much ginger is in Canada Dry ginger ale?

I wrote Canada Dry to ask, how much ginger is in Canada Dry ginger ale? Instead of getting a serious answer, I got a B.S. form letter. Here is Canada Dry's non-answer: "Our Company complies with all applicable labeling regulations promulgated in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory bodies. Product flavor components that form part of our 'natural' or 'natural and/or artificial flavors' ingredients are considered proprietary to our Company. If you have a concern regarding the intake of this product, we suggest that you contact your health care provider."

Should I go to the hospital? Pregnant & bleeding?

sept my period came 2 weeks late & I nvr got one for oct. Took a preg test last friday & came out positive & I spotted the day before yesterday & have been bleeding like a period for 2 days....

What do you need to know to lay off an employee in the state of Florida?

Business has been slow and we have hesitated to lay off an employee, unfortunately, we cant delay any longer. I looked at the DOL and workforce innovation for guidelines, but its so overwhelming. Can anyone give some guidance? Thanks!

Going to Universal Studios & IslandofAdventure in a week. I need help with a spending budget & coaster advice?

Im going for 3 days how much money should i bring? range would be nice and which roller coaster is the most intence and scariest at both parks. I like Gwazi at Busch. I dont really like ones that goes upside down too much, problem is that im going there on a field trip and we r doing a "Behind the Scenes of the Hulk Roller Coaster." by a guide. IM SO SCARED! What do all the roller coasters do at both parks(state answer w/ name of coaster) and which ones would you suggest for a girl who's kinda affraid of them. Lastley is the "Return of the mummy ride" scary. I know its a roller coaster and once i was in line and i made myself sick almost barfing because i got really scared it. Never rode it. Is it scary and what does it to. For all rides i need a clear description. thanks! You have no clue how much im grateful for your answers!

Do You Have A Friend (Or Person) Who Says Words Wrong All The Time

There is a lady in our neighborhood who always uses the word "granite" when she should be saying "granted." For instance, "I don't want to take him for granite." Should you correct someone when they do this or just let 'em go!

What else could I fed my Red Devil?

I have always fed my red devil the three same things pellets, brine shrimp, and rosy red goldfish. I am curious what else i could feed to him. I have read on the web from some sites you can fed them certain vegetables and stuff is this true. If not what other things could i fed him.

Should i tell the guy i like that i like him?

im really scared to but everyone says its no big deal but it is!! i really want to go to the homecoming dance with heim thiss frieday and walk up town together and stuff but idk if he likes me ......

Cars and forces that move them...?

My physics teacher seems certain that roads move cars. His logic behind it is that the problem in its simplest context (in which he seems always to think, with due respect to him) is that when you drive a car, there are only two objects: a car and a road. Because force can only be applied by an object in contact with whatever the force is applied to and the only thing in contact with the car is the road, it must be the road that applies the force. It sounds ridiculous to me, but I wonder if anyone can confirm my suspicions from a purely scientifically physical/logical standpoint (does that even make sense? Bah, you know what I mean).

Are you supposed to rinse with water after applying a toner?

I just started using Merle Norman cosmetics. I find the toner leaves a sticky film and feels even worse after I apply the moisturiser. So, this time I rinsed with water and voila, it was much better.

People love Lupe's DELIVERY...People love Jay-Z's SWAG...What is the difference between the two?

I have my own answer for this....but I would like to hear others opinions on what seperates Delivery from Swag...Also which is more important?

What does a Lizards tail whip feel like ? ?

The iggy and sav tail whips could break a dog's leg if full grown. Never dealt with a Mali and the only time I've seen my beardie tail whip was wile holding him and he wasn't stable in my hands yet. He caught me along the temple and it wasn't pleasant, but didn't break the skin or leave a bruise.

Finding Harry Potter Hedwig's theme for a duo of sax (alto and tenor)?

Me and my friend are planning to play Hedwig's theme as a duo in a show at the end of the year. I was trying to find the sheet music for it, which appeared to be impossible. Can somebody help please?

Fantasy Football PLAYOFFS help?

his team is a little better with two of the top three rb's but lately addai and holmes have been playing really well so you could stick with him as for your w/r forget antonio bryant hes facing darrrele revis and hes not nearly as good as some of the other players revis shutdown (i.e. moss, johnson), between the other two uming that cartwright is starting i would go with him because smith is playing baltimore, is rock isn't starting then obviously chose smith.

Living real cheap while going to school?

any one have any ideas. was either planing on getting a dorm which is about 10k in loans or try to find section 8 housing voucher and get some cheap net installed pay maybe 3-400 a month, and relay on food stamps and food donation office for food for a year. i rather not find a room mate or rent a room on craigslist dont want to risk having things end up missing. although im not sure how to apply for student loans with the government unsubsidized and subsidized without going threw thew the school. currently i dont really spend much on food about 100-150 a month with coupons :P

I have a 02 honda accord 2.3 4 cyl and i have been noticing decline in mpgs?

the car has the potential to average 25 miles per gallon, but recently it's been averaging 19 which is terrible for that model of car. I'm thinking it could be the air filter , any other ideas?

Should I go to a shelter?

Find a stable shelter that will help you find steady work and later housing. You definitely need to get away from your mom. Definitely. You just have to make sure you're going to a better situation rather than a worse one. Also- find a nice church and go every Sunday. I'm not a religious nut, but you need positive influences and support. Find a church, make friends, tell your story, and take help graciously. You will get past this. **Big hug**

Liquidating a Target gift card into my Paypal account: what fees?

So, I was recently given a gift card for Christmas to Target. I really hate shopping at Target due to everything being so overpriced. I was considering liquidating my Target gift card into cash by buying a Visa Prepaid Card at Target for 50 Dollars, and creating some random 50 dollar listing on Ebay and buying it with my Visa gift card so the money goes into my paypal account. What am I looking at in fees for the activation and the ebay listing fees?

Harper's Island TV Show?

Henry was crazy. He loved Trish but she was still a pawn in the goal of being with Abby. I was really disapointed as well because they really did seem perfect and happy together.

Does the moral decline in the media ever make you sick?

I totally agree! And the sad thing is that nowadays society just blindly accepts and follows whatever the media promotes. And so now we're creating this environment focused on and superficiality. Do we really want our kids to grow up feeding off this kind of stuff?

My laptop is from argos and the screen is ing apart will they take it back or repair it its just through me?

You take it back to Argos - not the manufacturer. You bought it from them and the contract to provide the item, which should be of a satisfactory quality, is with them. The period of time is also not a year; regardless of any warranty it supposed to have. If something which is supposed to be of a superior quality, breaks 1 week after the so called year is up, could be deemed as not being satisfactory.

99 Toyota camry (4 cyl) engine?

i was in an accident and totaled my 99 camry. the engine and transmission are still in perfect condition. and now i am looking to buy a 2000 toyota celica gt that is in need of an engine. i have done some research but i dont know how correct it is. can anyone tell me if i would be able to take my camry's engine and put it in the celica?? any details would be greatly appreciated.

How did Scooter Libby obstruct justice when the prosecutor knew it all and had all the facts two years ago?

The prosecutor was looking for a scape-goat and someone to pin a conviction on. Libby should get a full and complete pardon for the injustice. It was all politically motivated.

Why is the Democrat Primary process so Corrupt?

I don't think it's corrupt, just disorganized. The Democrats are the party of the Control Freaks, it's a requirement to be a Democrat. It must be tough to organize so many control freaks. The Democrats have my sympathies.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How much money did taxpayers have to fork over on this Libya thing ?

Why do we continue to hang around in three countries that would have our heads at a moments notice, costing us in valuable lives and dollars ? Shouldn't we be putting our efforts into rebuilding our own country ?

Is tuition reimbursement from future employer taxable (Nursing student/hospital)?

In exchange for the reimbursement of tuition/fees, the nursing student agrees to work for the hospital for 2 years (or must pay back the money)

Please help! how do i start talkin with this girl on facebook that i like?

about a month a go, i commeted on this guys ststus, then this girl that idk did, she then aded me and strated talking 2 me through facebook chat, we talked 4 a few minutes. idk how 2 strt talking to her, shes on of the hottest girls iv seen, how 2 start talking how can i strat talkin 2 her agian?

Pport/Visa question?

I have a U.S. pport with a Spain visa stamped in it. I'm going to Spain for the year. My pport expires soon after I return. I want to apply for a new pport before I leave, so that when I return if I want to travel again I won't have to worry. If I apply for a new pport before I leave, will it make my current one expired and thus make my visa obsolete?

Priceless Observations / Statements:?

American tourists boycotting Scotland is like Wayne Rooney boycotting the Large Hadron Collider. - Frankie Boyle.

What is you opinion of the death penalty?

Not to be a doomsayer or anything myself, but if you execute some one after all the evidence is displayed to the satisfaction of all, they are not going to be coming back and doing it again. On the other hand, I think all repeat drunken offenders who cause some one's death should immediately be hung on National TV that preempts all TV broadcasts, even that idiot in the White House's speeches that he continually messes up anyway. Just my opinion, don't everyone get their knickers in a twist.

Is short bad? or ugly??

okays, im 13 nd im 4''11. everyone in my family is short, soo i dont expect to grow so much..alot of guys in my school are pretty tall. is it ugly? nd people some-times still ask if i want a kids-menu!! i havnt realli grown for a year..usually i do in summer..soo im a little worried that i wont even reach 5''. my besties tease me all the time, but not harshly...still...is it a bad thing??

Who is more censorship oriented here in the politics section, liberals or conservatives?

censorship can be easily accomplished by m reporting, or ignoring questions , arguing emotions , rants etc.

Can someone please tell me what this means in english?

Hi! Of course it's OK with me to be your new friend. Thanks for having participated in the auction. So long!

What's the answer for this question?

The answer would be A. Arable means that the land would be suitable for farming, the catch is that there isn't enough rainfall to sustain it. That would make you ume that there isn't much on the land and that it is "relatively scarce" At no point does it mention its location.

Which way do EMT's get drug tested in California?

theres many different ways of getting drug tested before getting hired for a job position. I want to know how emt's get their drug testing done (like pee test or hair follicle saliva etc) reason i want to know is i haven't smoked in almost 2 years now but my friend wants to try it one last go around. i want to do it with him but i am unsure of how i may be tested. if its hair follicle i nkow that lasts for a long time. if pee i know that is out of system pretty fast. let me know ur answers!

What do you think of this sentences?

um...why couldnt they just say life sentence or whatever......for everything he did...duh. dumb people..i swear..

Does your family have any special traditions for Thanksgiving?

I am having my first Thanksgiving in my new home and would love to start some sort of tradition, other than just eating. I am looking for anything neat/special whether it be games, activities, trivia, etc. I have 2 kids (4 and 7) and the rest are going to be adults. Also, what are "must haves" at your Thanksgiving dinner? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

A question about working for MYSELF. I never thought I'd say this but I'm interested in designing clothes.

You'd be better off doing a screen printing course, or searching google for tutorials. Don't wast thousands of dollars of dollars on a fashion design course if you only want to do shirts, you're not going to be employed. They take a year for a regular course, a year and a half for master. Full time. You could try selling them at markets/malls if you make them yourself.

Is my teacher a pervert?

b!ttch slap the next time she comes on to you like that! seriously, tell an administartor, she can't hurt you.

What was the English Defense System?

When William the conqueror was king, and his people were called the normans, what kind of ways did they defend themselves. Also why were the normans angry when Wllliam was a conquer, what was their response to this? All i know is that the normans built castles

In Shakespeare's Hamlet, did Laertes have a personal grudge on Hamlet?

I know Hamlet killed Laertes's father, but I was wondering what kind of relationship was between them before this incident. Them= Hamlet and Laertes.

Am i being mentally abused?!?!?!?

ok..my mom when shes mad she takes on ME. i know she doesnt mean too but it hurts wen she call me stuff like you son-of-a-beep or go find a foster paren or i want to kill u soo bad abd when i try 2 explain things she takes it seriousely and yells at me more!!

Fair for Exclusive or Private clubs to be prejudiced among babysitters?

My husband and I are members of a Private Club in Hong Kong. This morning, I had my son taken to the doctor for his 12th month immunization. Because he got very upset with the needles, I thought it would be nice to cheer him up by buying him a new toy for being brave anyway (he had 2 shots today!), so my (full time-stay-at-home) babysitter, my son and I ended up going up to the club so he could play in the kiddie's room while i lookedfor his toy.

Are summer festivals getting too expensive ?

Just feel that Glasto, V, download,T in the park etc are all just getting stupidly expensive .It looks like it now 200 quid near as damn to stay in a wet field for 3 days and pay ridiculous prices..Love the music but think it really ought not to be that expensive ..Any thoughts peeps?

Why am I receiving these things in the mail?

I am a 39-year-old female who has never had kids and does not plan to have kids. In the past several weeks, I have received these things in the mail addressed directly to me: two postcards from two different companies advertising prenatal ultraounds, and a huge sample (about five pounds) of baby formula in the mail. What the heck is going on here?

Does anyone know the price of the nacho catering bar from Moe's or Qdoba?

Are you wanting the price to purchase the whole bar as in to open a business? Or do you want the price of an order of nachos?

Doesnt the Movie 'UP' look funny.?

Comes out this friday i think. Like when the big bird is going "blablabla" to they old guy. Or the dog "Hi there. My name is doug. Squirrel!

What is the best way to settle $70,000 of credit card debt?

Hello everyone, I have managed to get my self in a lot of debt after many unfortunate events. I have decent credit but this is obviously beinging me down. I am current on all my debt but am looking to either get into a debt management program or a consolidating program. At this moment, i can sacrifice my credit because I already purchased the home that I love and have a car that is already paid off so there isnt anything else I would like to do but to get out of debt the fastest way possible. Bankrupcy is not an option please.

Did ice cube and tupac make a song together?

am i the only one who finds it weird that ice cube is 2 years 1month a 1day older than tupac and i havent heard a REAL song of them together not a remix or anything that DJ's put together an ACTUAL song that they both took part in before tupacs death

Round Ligament Pains when Resting?

Hello! I'll be 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow. For the past two days I've been getting sharp twinges on both sides of my uterus area, where I would guess ligament pain would occur. However, it seems to occur when I'm just sitting down and not even moving. Is that common? I thought you were supposed to notice it more when you quickly moved or coughed or something like that. Has anyone else experienced round ligament pain when resting? Thanks!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dreams- the gateway to the future?

I believe dreams to be the answers to whats bothering us. Such as u with the condoms and not being able to go in the car could mean that u were uallyfrustratedd. I mean ive had dreams of me kissing a girl though i've never made a move and was always to anxious about wat she thought about me. To me the dreammeantt that i wanted her. So basically Dreams are wat we are feeling being expressed visually by our minds. Kind of like our brain is trying to find whats stressing the body or soul w/e u wanna call it

How do i apply for my drivers license after getting my employment authorisation doent?

In what country, province, or governmental jurisdiction are you seeking one? Are you a Briton in the USA? A Yank in the UK? Australian? Canadian? We need some more information, please.

I am going to propose to my girlfriend in Kansas City soon and need an interesting way of doing it. Ideas?

those are great ideas exspecially at night...my fiancee proposed to me at a park but we were sitting by a fountain and alot of my friends and people i didnt know were there and looking at me and it scared me and then he then proposed to me it was the perfect place!

Has anyone got a cupcake courier?

I have one and it is really handy. It not only stores 36 cupcakes, but the one I have has trays that I can bake the cupcakes in and then store once cooled. I'm not in the UK so unfortunately, I can't suggest a place to buy it.

Whats the name of the HTC that is known as the T-Mobile Wing?

Lets say I buy that HTC model unlocked, will it work world wide, like in Ukraine for example... Also, if I use wifi on it do i have to pay for the emails and web browsing and stuff? Thanks in advance!

Choose your Hell-Hole?

5) FantaWorld: Everything is orange, and very noisy. Crazy-eyed girls run up to you shouting "WANTA FANTA?". If you refuse, they shoot you. Consequently, most people refuse.

How do I make my iguana accept jesus?

a href="http://dinosaurfanfiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/raptor-jesus.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://dinosaurfanfiction.com/wp-content…/a

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Party ideas for the elderly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…

Why not just play some music from the Big Band Era (40's)? They'd enjoy listening to that, and just talking about those days:) If you have access to a tv, you could even show some movies from that time period ) ....

Are these symptoms of False Labor or Early Labor?

this could be braxton hicks. they get more and more as labour is near . . time them if there are coming in a pattern with some pain then you can ume these are real contraction but if they are still irregular then they will be braxton hicks . good luck x

Does anyone miss the orginal NFL Primetime when Chris Berman was the host?

I have watched that show for a long time and it was one of my favorite NFL shows. Yeah I know Berman and Jackson are on the Blitz but it isn't the same... The way they use to do things was set up way better than before. Chris Berman is a legend and I can't believe anyone could replace him. Tom Jackson seemed like a down to earth guy knowing what he was talking about and also they both got along with each other. I just wish that show next year would go back to normal and having Berman and Jackson hosting it. What do you think?

I dont understand NATO military?

If NATO is a collection of countries, what are people specifying as a NATO helicopter or NATO troops. Is this just a collection of things from different countries under control by all the NATO countries?

I feel like a loser!?

i just completed my PG Diploma in journalism and one by one my friends are getting placed either in some channel or production houses...i have applied too and trying my best but still no where...i feel like a complete loser and my morale is going down day by day...infact i am even thinking of just going ahead and joining a call center and i know by doing that it'll be ditching myself because it might help me earn good buck but....i really think i need to do find some static direction the way my life is heading it's just not helping..i am tensed frustrated and sick of all this....

Who agrees with me that webb is one of the best pithers in the game?Also who do u considere the d-backs ace?

Once people see CC in the AL, they'll start saying Webb. I say Webb as well and I consider Webb the ace of the D-Backs.

Will you crituqe my poem?!! (1 worst... 10 best) BEST ANSWER TOMORROW.! (OR 2NITE)?

For me, nothing needs to be critique. It waw beautiful. You have like 8 poems now. Publish it and it will be a huge hit.

Clinic cost?

Clinic rents space for $2000/mth, 2 nurse $5000/mth each. receptionist mthly wages $2500. Supplies $30/per patient. Clinic sees 750 patient/mth. What is total fixed cost, total variable cost, total cost, average fixed cost, avrge var cost, avrge total cost

Good Pokemon Team??????????

to answer your question fully i would need to know the game your playing on and what you are planning to do with them e.g. battle frontier or online battling. if you where completely offline and are still in the middle of the campaign then to answer your question the answer would be yes you would have quite a formidable team . but I'm afraid if you are planning to go to the battle frontier or somewhere else like that your team wouldn't be the strongest because the pokemon there are all lvl 100 . and if you are planning to play online then i would hold it of a little longer i have played online and i can tell you its hard ( especially with the cheaters around i even came up against a bulbasaur that could use whirlpool rock climb and fly ?!?!? ) but if you are really budding to go online i would recommend spending at least a few days trading online. hope this helped and answers your question NEW NEW i would recommend getting a few legendary s from previous games such as raquaza from emerald or latias from ruby or hoho from soul silver (formally known as silver ) or you could just trade them . also i would recommend getting rid of moves such as fly, rock climb and waterfall while playing online (they are very useful offline but not very online) these weaker move should be swapped for more powerful moves and i would also get rid of defog and other defence moves because they dont make much of a difference on a online game

So is there a difference Between what Bush did in Iraq and what Obama is doing now in Libya?

Bush had support from the UN and Iraq as had several UN sanctions imposed on it. Obama had support from the UN, but no sanctions applied. Whereas Bush went to Congress first before engaging in military intervention in Iraq and Afganistan, Obama DID NOT.

Mid-twenties crises - any words of wisdom?

Just be who you are. Connect with the person who is inside you. Somebody once said- if you dont have a dream of your own, you will end up living someone else's and when you actually materialise that dream you feel lost and empty inside, because its not what you want. Do things that would bring bliss in your everyday life. If you are looking for a partner to love and be with you, just be patient, meanwhile enjoy being you. Life is meant to be easy and sometimes we complicate things.

Celtics have the most feared frontcourt in the nba?

The main thing the Celtics should care about is Bynum. If he goes on scoring (which he might because of the height advantage over Perkins), then they will have a big problem. If not, they should just let Kobe score and hold the others.

Could I be pregnant,? I need lots of answers please!?

hi my names Ale im 19. Im really worried I havent gotten my period in 6 weeks. Ive been having bad heart burn, cramps, white discharge and I feel nauseous at times but dont throw up also my hurt but on and off. I took a test 2 weeks ago, it was negative. I have unprotected with my boyfriend but he pulls out. I dont know what else to think?

A question for atheists?

So, in your opinion, it's more rational to understand hemolytic diseases in pregnancy as the perfect creation of a perfect god than as a horrible accident of evolution?

If your taxable income is decreased does your refund increase?

I did my taxes for the 2008 tax year last January and I received a refund from the IRS. However, I recently found out that I should have placed the Hope Tax Credit on my tax return. If I amend my taxes and put the credit on there will the IRS owe me an additional refund?? I am uming that since the credit reduces my taxable income, that my refund should increase....Also, I made under $25,000 and I had two dependents that were in school. One was in college the Fall of 2008, and this was her first year. I paid her tutition of $2,500. Thank you for your advice!!! :)

Flintstone vitamins seem like a gimmick -- how do they compare to a vitamin like Centrum?

I know they're made for children and adults, but are both of them really getting adequate vitamins? On their website it never says what percentage of each vitamin is loaded into a gummy.

Are there any qi gong exercises in aikido?

i do aikido.... er..... kinda.... theres a history 2 it... ne ways wat i do does have ki (qi or chi) breathing n exersises n stuff.. but not qigong... qigong is chinese and aikido is japanese

I need some relationship help!?

He might just be deleting them for a secret pressie or something he has in plan for you or mabye he has been planning things for the wedding and stuff? i dont think you should get to worried just yet

What is the best lubricant additive for diesel fuel?

Due to the new Ultra Low Sulfer Diesel, I want to protect my mins diesel from premature wear. What brand is the best additive to add to the fuel to help keep the motor lubricated?

How To Discourage Lover From Getting Pregnant?

No such legal doent exists. Plus I would think if you drew something up like that you'd lose your lover from the sheer distaste of the idea of it.

Am I overeating today?

You're not overeating. All that sounds perfectly healthy and delicious. Although, cesar salads can be high in fat/calories, so watch out. Kettle corn can also be high in calories, lots of sugar!

How do you keep from your toddler?

Time out in a corner or room is best. It disciplines them and gives you the couple minutes you need to cool off. Try counting backwards slowly from 10 to 1 in nice, long, deep breaths.

Should I go back to therapy?Im 13, please help.?

So I went to therapy only three times though. See, My mom had a stroke and I found her, my lifes changed so much. But not just that, my parents and I dont get along, its not like normal teenager stuff, I mean kinda but not really. My dad, calls me a disappointment, in sports he never tells me goodjob he always has to criticize me, my dad doesn't trust me, he thinks im always lying(hes told me this)I always get in trouble and yelled at, I get grounded all the time. My mom gets angry with me, she always is cussing at me and calls me names. and tell you the truth im actually afraid of my dad, he gets so angry and he will grab my arm really hard. And theres a bunch more things. But, one day i just lost it and i harmed myself, i do regret it, but sometimes I still wanna do it, because i get so upset, I'll sit in my room and just cry. I dont know what to do, advice?

Why are the conservatives petitioning to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup to "corn sugar"?

Cons only truly care about one thing, the corporations bottom line, no matter the harm that could be done to people as a whole. Cons love the federal government subsidizing the corn industry, yet they speak all the time for "smaller government" and speak against "welfare"

How my website can figure in the list when searched on Google / Yahoo or MSN search engines?

How my free website a href="http://prckirkeepune.tripod.com" rel="nofollow"http://prckirkeepune.tripod.com/a can figure in the search list when searched on Google / Yahoo or MSN search engines?

Dust mite allergies ? are the aymptoms I have rare or severe?

I have had a itching problem for ever it seems but worse within last year. I finally did some research and came to the conclusion it is that I am allergic to dust mite allergin. but I itch severly and have visible bumps similar to a miniature mosquito bite. aso it happens more in bed. I v vaccuumed my futon mattress and changed my sheets repeatedly.

Fish tank cloudy?

I just got a 10 gallon fish tank for my son. We have about 10 fish in it, mostly goldfish and a few other little ones. We have 2 tiny frogs and a sucky fish that is supposed to clean the tank. Anyway the water always seems to be cloudy! Any idea why this is or how you get rid of that problem? Thanks in advance for all th ehelp!

Has anyone else noticed the effects of GInger on dreams?

Check canadadry.ca they have a little info on ginger ale and when it started. Some what interesting.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

This Whole Soulja Boy vs Ice T Fiasco...?

Why does everyone come up with the excuses when defending Soulja Boy that he's 17 and should be given time to grow, but yet NaS, BIG, Jay Z, and Rakim were all under 20 when they got exposed. People always say he's not RHH but yet his CDs are sold under RHH and he's clified as an RHH Star. People say he sings for the kids but yet he wants to "Superman a Hoe" and "pull gats on a bytchazz". Can we all just admit that he is a whack azz rapper and he's one of the reason the genre is suffering?

Should Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio be held accountable for misleading citizens and fraud?

Even though you try to discredit Sheriff Joe Arpaio it still does not make illegal aliens legal. Why don't you focus on the real criminals?

Why is every girls like this but not mine?

Just learn to work with your shape. Find a swim suite that works for you, and learn to love your pu**y! The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more you will love your peculiarity's. I'm a little different than the science book illustration too. I used to hate that, but now I know I'm y in my differences and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Who really was here first?.?

i have been hearing my whole life that the indian was here first in america,especially as a defense mechanism toward a white person.Well..my questions is..if you really want to get technical about it..i beleive it wasn't the indian here first,it was the caveman..so wat up on that?

Why are Democrats blaming Speaker Boehner for coming up with a solution to debt crisis that will be vetoed?

WHo are Dems gonna blame? Themselves for not ping the budget LAST YEAR when THEY had control & SHOULD have?

Do u think my DD prob. is with irs or Walmart moneycard?

So what about those of us who didn't use SBBT/Republic and all these other third party places that are taking miney oiut of your refund? I used the free fed taxact and didn't have any fees for them to take out. I was accepted on the 17th and taxact said expect DD 1/29. I am using a Walmart moneycard to DD and it's still not there. I am wondering if MY issue is with the Walmart card of irs?!? When i called irs they rudely told me not to call back until after tues. The walmart money card 800# is saying they are having techinal difficulties and to try again later. It started showing me a message yesterday morning that says if u expect a DD it will be posted by 10am pst. There was nothing yesterday and It's not after 10 am pst yet today. I guess all I can do is check the card after 10am pst. I really don't understand this though because I didn't have any fees taken out and it's a relatively small refund, but I need it!!!!

Am I getting played?! All your answers would be really helpful!?

So I like this girl a lot. She is perfect <3 She makes me feel like no other has before... And we talk from morning to night everyday. She says I always make her smile, and can always make her day. She says I'm really cute, and everything I say/do is cute. She says that I make her feel save. But the problem is about a week ago, she told me she needed to be honest with me and told me she still had feelings for her ex boyfriend... She said that I deserve better, a lot better... that it wasn't fair for her to be talking to me when she still haves feelings for her ex. She said that she didn't deserve me. I asked why? And she said I was perfect. I said no I wasn't. And she said I was for her. That when her ex wasn't around, than she knew she liked me for sure. But when her ex came around she got so confused. She said that I treat her so much better than her ex does, but she just doesn't know how to get over him. She said it could be the biggest mistake of her live to be telling me this but she needed to be honest. I told her I didn't want to loose her, and so we continued to talk still. Things were going great, but this week her ex told her she needed to choose between me and him by today, because he wasnt going to wait around anymore... She told him that she wasn't going to choose, and he said fine I stick around for a little bit longer because i love you... So me and her have still been talking it's just I don't know if I should wait around anymore? I mean I love her a lot, not going to deny it. It's just she doesn't seem to know what she wants. I walk her to three of her seven cles everyday at school. I just need some advice in what I should do?

Raven and Victoria to TNA?

If Raven gets the push he truly deserves, that would be great. As for Lisa Marie Varon, I was crushed when she desided to leave the WWE. She's always been one of my favorites, so seeing he back in the ring will be great!

Does my girlfriend's child have autism?

I think she just has delayed speech. She wasn't able to hear during a critical learning time when parents usually engage their children with talking and eye contact at the same time. I think she will learn in time, but may need some speech therapy to help her along. Her pediatrician can help get that arranged.

Sony Vaio VGN-FZ21m Graphics Driver?

Sup ppl - i got the above mentioned laptop and it uses a nVidia Geforce 8400 GT Mobile Edition where can i find ForceWare Display updates for this model? i cant find them on nVidia's homepage - and google aint helping.

I was just hired as a cashier for Winn-Dixie, but I put the wrong amount of hours on my application.?

Should I tell the hiring manager what happened as soon as possible, or should I try to work all those hours for a while until I think I can ask to have them reduced? The problem is that I'm also taking fifteen credit hours in college. I want to work between 15 and 20 hours, but I stupidly put down between 21 and 30 hours.

Is anyone like me? Who loves hot things such as...?

i only like summer cause i love going to the beach but mann i hate going to school when its hot , about the food i like it warm and about hot baths only in winter overall its warm

How can i possibly ever thank him for his kindness?

Well you shouldnt stay with him for too long and buy him a card or something. It isnt much to repay him but he Will one day need your help and you will be there for him.

Can I terminate a career development loan based upon Consumer Credit Act 1974 ?

It is possible your loan may not be legally enforceable by Barclays, you nee to get a copy of your original signed agreement. This is a separate issue to possible misselling of the course. Then contact a website such as www.bdebtfree.info who can help you take things further. Good luck.

This is a request to all atheist?

If you are not spiritual, or religious, what purpose do you have here? I would like to just have an uplifting and happy Y!A community, but you all seem to come here just to troll. This area was set up for those of all faith groups, but you are not of a faith group. I respectfully ask you all to leave.

Who thinks that Neverland Ranch should be not turned into another "Graceland"?

If you ask my fiance Elvis Presley was the King of all music and elvis may have done drugs but he sang really well and had a voice of gold but he never went after kids. They should have had MJ in prison a long time ago and getting it in the azz like he did to the kids.My fiance isnt a b*tch but she has strong belifes in things

What metal band shirt should I wear the first day of school?

Seriously dude? The metal way of life is to not give a ****. Don't be a poser. Just pick whatever one you pull out of the drawer first.

Formica countertops??

I bought a house about a year ago and it has pretty new cabinets but the counter top is terrible whoever installed it didn't do a great job.. my question is i have 12' of counter top where can i get a slab of Formica to install myself? Home depot and lowes seem to only have counter tops up to 10 feet? any ideas? can i put two pieces together or will that look sloppy whoever installed the countertop that is there found an long enough peice.. remember i want to do this for cheap.. do i have to custom order? thanks for all answers

Should I go for Argos Pet Insurance?

always read the small print,when my dog was needing surgery i spoke with another lady there who's dog was diabetic.She had gone with tescos finding the same as you they all seem the same at varying prices.However the small print stated the dog would only be covered for one year if it was an on going illness

Would any of you think it would be possible to pinpoint the place and time?

where idiot kids started walking around with their pants at ghetto half staff? Maybe like Albert Michelson and weird revolving mirrors that allowed the first truly accurate measurements of the speed of light? Or Neils Bohr and and whomever came up with the cat in the box with the cyanide bulb. Somebody has to be able to go back through the time hose and nail to the nanosecond the moment when the youth of America collectively decided, proudly and defiantly, to ADVERTISE that they had sh*t for brains

Ex-husband starting new relationship while his old girlfriend is still living in his home?

My ex and I have been divorced for several years. I have been in a stable relationship with the same man for the last 4 years. My ex has been with his girlfriend for 2 yrs. Suddenly he has decided he no longer wants to be with her and has taken up with some childless bar s**t. The girlfriend he just dumped refuses to move out of the condo they share since she has her own little boy to think of and has no place to go. This woman by the way has been a wonderful stepmom to our son and we plan to continue a friendship. My ex is pushing that I let this new woman meet my son but I said not for at least 6 months and not until his old girlfriend is out of the house. I don't want our son, who is only 5, to be horribly confused and upset by all this. He has also started going out & drinking every weekend - weekends that he's supposed to be with our son as he has him on the weekends. I know this must sound crazy but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Should I take my Wii to a family gathering?

I am wondering if I should take my Wii to a family reunion that my sports fanatic brother from LA will be at. He has a temper and has been known to throw things and slam beer bottles down. I afraid he is going to huck the remote control through a window or worse yet the LCD TV. LA is such an armpit and makes people do crazy things.. Sure it coule be linked to the excess CO (monoxide) or all the stinking illegals babbling spanish cr@p everywhere.. It stresses me out thinking that these illegals are pulling us down while some of us are trying to move fwd. Pelosi is so whacked on trying to give the illegals amnesty...

Second hand smoke?

simple, stay out of that environment. there is no other way around it. i hate smoke and i find life more pleasant avoiding establishments thathave a lot of heavy smoke.

Whatever happened to 3D sculpture puzzles?

I am from Melbourne, Vic, Australia. And I have been looking everywhere and can't find them. Does anyone know what happened to them or if they still exist or if they will come back? I have this Darth Vader one that I got in 1997. I wish I could get more.

My school loans are stressing me out...?

What are you going to consolidate? 80,000 at 6.8% is not that bad of a deal, the payment terms are generally 10years. Geez, you should really look or should have looked into grants or scholarships, grad school is going to push you way over the 100k mark. You have a deferment of 6 months until repayment begins on student loans also.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How can I tell my child that he is stupid in a way he can understand?

Please help. My little boy is driving me crazy. Obviously, I love hm and all, but he is soooo stupid! All he does is crawl around on the floor, and spout little half words like ba-ba, or da-da. I tried screaming at him over and over again, "You're stupid! You're a stupid baby!!!!" Is there an easier way to communicate this?

Federal Aid Refund and Applying for NAFSA?

That information is incorrect, each academic year you reapply for financial aid through FAFSA. If you decline the loan this year, that will not affect your future eligibillity. In fact, it will help you because, there is an aggregate limit to how much money you can borrow under the stafford loan program, therefore if you use all of your eligibility now (when you don't really need it) you may not have enough left in 3-4 years when you do. If you don't need the loan this year, then not taking it this year is the smartest decision to make.

I have a renault laguna 2 litre extreme ,radio/cd player has stopped playing,?

according to book it could be the fuse ,i have checked fuse box and the manual and there is no symbol for the radio ,does any one know what symbol it comes under? it could also be needed to be connected to power supply ,how do i do this?

HOw can I bond mroe with this rabbit?

I got a rabbit in February that I named Einstein. He is a lionlop, and is white, and completely adorable. However, he doesn't seem to like me at all. I had him in a cage for a few months, and now my dad and i just built him an awesome hutch outside, and he has plenty of room to run, but he doesn't seem to like me at all. Whenever I try to hold hiim, he jumps and squirms and i don't want to hurt him. If i try to give him a treat, he pulls it ou tof my hand. He doesn't run around at all or play in my house, or anything, and when you put him on the ground, he doesn't move an inch. I don't see him playful at all, and he just isn't... I guess he isn't exactly what I wanted. I obviously don't want to get rid of him, because I bought him, and he is a good bunny and he doesn't bite, hwoever, i wanted an affectionate bunny who will let me pet him, and let me brush him well without squirming, and being horribel all the time. I don't know what to do and my parents won't let me get another bunny unless i get rid of him. Is there anything i can do to fix this? he won't even play with any of his toys with me, or anything. I feel like i'm evil or something, that he rusn away whenever i come near. WHat is going on!?

What's your opinion on political correctness/liberalism?

What's your opinion? Do you believe political correctness and liberalism actually help or harm America, or both? Please no bible verses or rambling about that, I'm talking from a real perspective. Please be courteous with your answers, thank you.

Do I seem more butch or femme?

I actually think you look in-between because your face is very soft :-p and the copy and paste worked for me :)

How many games has Carlos Cuellar played for Aston Villa?

Since signing from Rangers in the summer, has Cuellar played in the EPL for Villa and if so, how many games?

Find monthly payment of installment loan. HW question?

A 1 year installment loan of $800 at 14% has 'add on' interest and principal and interest are repaid in 12 equal monthly installments. What is the monthly payment?

1996 Honda Accord w/ no power?


Sentence help for the words bellow!?

what is a sentence for the word: deduction ( an act of taking away) jaunty ( archaic and sprightly in manner or apperance) quandry ( a state of perplexity) and unanimous ( being one of mind)

Mothers: What are some must haves for a first time pregnant woman? What should I put on registry?

I know some things are a rip off and some things are a life saver! Tell me, what should I get and what should I p on?

I am getting 100k past due disability money from my insurance policy. Is it IRS Taxable?

Check with Publication 19 at irs.gov. It should tell you that disability income is generally non-taxable, if this is pure disability income,

Rate my story, please. 13 year-old?

Seriously its too long but don't worry about your mistakes, if you are still 13 then it shows your talent that you are really very talented and nice story and title too ..:>

Should i give up on her?

the girl i like and keep asking about stopped looking at me as much and when she had to shake my hand she didn't and the time we had to before she did and last time i played badminton she liked it and always hit it to me but not today and i was thinking she had a bad day but then later she looked me in the eye and smiled so should i give up?

Serious self esteem issues?

You are what you are, if you are five different you's then that's as much you as one you, only you know who you are

Am i a talented writer?

It isn't bad at all. You are on a good path; keep on and try to develop that short story. I suppose that the life of a 70 years old man could be much richer in events, thoughts and feelings. And mind, talent isn't everything if it isn't doubled by hard work, if you want to write good stories or novels.

Should I buy the Powerscore LSAT bibles if I already took the PS cl?

I finished taking the Powerscore LSAT cl and consequently have all of the lesson books and I also have access to the Powerscore online student center. In addition, should I also buy the PS Logic Games and/or Logical Reasoning bibles? Would it be worth it? Or is most of the material going to be in my lesson books that I already have? (i don't mind spending the extra money, as long as it will be well worth it)

Crested Gecko Questions!?

Anything that the Experts at Advanced Vivaria Systems are amazing books, I would go with that one if you just want to buy one.

What is/are the indicator/s of elevating your consciousness into a higher level?

Spiritual transition is an aspect of life that we cannot avoid. We find our God sometimes in the absence of religion. Religion is somewhat a guide to lead you through the right path of spirituality but sometimes controls and manipulate the person you would like to become in the absence of the guidelines. Also, neglects the human exploration to commit mistakes and learned from it. My point is, we need not shift faith in tems of choosing another religion to guide us to a path of becoming spiritual. What one must do on the basis of my own perspective is to deepen your FAITH in God and uplift yourself to a higher plane of consciousness that GOD is not a matter of concept and illusion to a growing and maturing consciousness of people but a true and living SUPREME BEING. On the basis of logic, proof is somewhat debatable. But on the basis of experiencing the supernatural in the form of GOD is somewhat explainable to me. I live, love and learn with the FAITH and just believing.

10mL of 1.0mol/dm-3 sodium chloride is added to 15mL of 0.75 mol/dm-3 silver nitrate solution.?

what is the limiting reagent (although i believe it is silver nitrate) and what m of solid product will form?

Amazon uk voucher: how do I get a voucher ?

I have to spend 130 quids on amazon, do you know if a voucher exists ? Or a discount code, like 15% off

I am writing a song help me?

I am writing a song to sing at a talent show. can anyone give me ideas on a title, theme, words, or tune to sing it? just brainstorming here i'm not going to base the whole song on yahoo answerers' answers.

Prosecutors, Explain This....?

Okay, so Prosecutors have been around since the DAWN OF TIME! And their is STILL crime in the world. How do you explain that? They haven't accomplished anything. It's like the definition of Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results?

Extension ring for 4" x 2" welded "handy box"?

I ended up putting a layer of 1/2" OSB before the drywall on a wall to allow the secure installation of shelves, but now that I have everything ready to to install the outlets I realize that the box is a half inch too far back into the wall. There are two 4"x2" welded handy boxes in this wall that I need to add some sort of extension to, however the only handy box extensions I have seen are 1-1/2" or 1-7/8" deep. Does any know any other options?

Why are the western countries attacking Libya?

Ok... Gadaffi is crazy and there's no doubt about it. The UN says that they are trying to save civilians and how do they do it? Killing more civilians. Another funny fact, Mr Nobel peace prize 2009 (Obama) agrees with this offensive which is taking lives of innocent people. What do you think about the intervention of the west in Libya, is it because they want freedom for the pele or another interest?

Help im going to be a guitar player?

ok i ask some one to play guitar for him because he was becoming a singer so I'm in the band. i want to know how munch money i would make.if i have enough i may pay rent for my mom. plus i could use it to get more equipment for my guitar and more guitars. so help me out. hey please use year month day per concert and simple stuff cause i has to ask my mom and she may not know it so make it as easy as possible.

Runaway investigations, how do they work?

Just out of curiosity what is the police department’s procedure on runaways? I mean the minute a cop hears "she/he ran away" do they just stop listening. It no longer becomes important? Because this inexperience child left on their own. it’s to their own demise what happens? I’m not trying to trash the cops at all. I’m really just curious. I feel the that PD in our city who is investigating my BFF’s step daughters case just don’t really care, they are giving us lame *** answers. Don’t get me wrong when I first found out this angry 16-year-old girl decided to bone out on her own. I thought ok, she’s doing what teenagers do. She’ll be back in a couple days when she needs a shower or gets hungry. No biggie. Till I find out she’s with a offender THEN! I freak out THEN! I want the cops on this like white on rice. But they could careless. Why is that? After a week of being gone she finally made the news. ONLY! Because this dirt bag she’s with has a warrant for not registering as a of

Family n friendship problemz?

well i go to skul n all bt then wen i want to have a friend ova 2 sleep ma parents say nah caz we dnt knoe em bt ma parents neva eva cme to ma skul n chill wit tha otha parents caz my dad goz to nite duty n wen he cmes hme he in tha morning he drops us skul den goes to sleep n mum goz to work so plz help me!!

What is the song at the beginning of the movie "starsky and hutch"?

i think its playing rite before the scene with the ppl on the boat... but i liked it and wanted to know what its called

I will try to put this better, I need to delete yahoo answers for my friend How do I do that without ..?

messing up her email. I've been staying with her for awhile and I am leaving next week. I will not have access to a computer for awhile. I was teaching her some things about the computer and on her email we set up a yahoo answers account. She doesn't really use the computer except for staying in touch with family and a couple of newsletter's and hasn't liked the little I've shared with her on YA. We all know people can be rude. So she asked if I could" remove" it since she won't be using it I can't seem to figure out how. Can anybody help. I'm hoping I don't have to have her change her email.

My internet gets slow over time.?

I have a desktop computer that my cousin built for me. Works great and no problems. Other than one. When i leave the computer idle, say over night or while i go outside or watch a movie the internet will just stop working. The problem was worse, it wouldn't work atall, not its just painfully slow and dosnt load stuff. I asked my cousin and the problem was fixed. It was the network card, set to turn off after a while in order to stop bugs and bots to get in when im not uing it. It still does this. I would turn it off but it takes a few minutes to start back up, unlike my laptop. So id rather just be able to turn off the screen and speakers and get back to it a few hours later. Another thing is that when this happens, xboxlive will still work, my laptops internet is fine and everything. It not my internet its the computer. Any help please? I would also say that the problem got half fixed when i turned the network card on "always"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Are ulative frequency polygons and curves only used for grouped data?

A ulative frequency polygon can be used with ungrouped data. A cf polygon for ungrouped data is sometimes called a "step polygon". I believe that cf polygons are normally used with grouped data because then you can use the diagram to estimate the proportion of the data less than or greater than a particular value and the quartile and median values. If the data are ungrouped (raw data) you can use the data directly to determine those values and so you do not actually need to use a cf polygon.

Is swiss cheese good with nachos?

You can use swiss but I'd also use something with a sharper flavor like a sharp cheddar. You can also use American cheese for that gooey stretchy texture.

Persuasive Essay Topics For AP English...Help!?

So I need to find some topics to use for my College English persuasive essay on the motifs in the novella Heart Of Darkness. I need Five Really strong topics. So far I have: Imagery and Syntax. Any Ideas?

The bible and science?

you watching too many movies depicting caveman. if you've been shown a flying car what would you do?

I am perplexed.. Why does Pres. Bush, nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxwer, etc want amnesty for the illegals?

There has to be a reason but I have NOT been able to find it. Amnesty for illegals will severly devastate the American economy to give social welfare, education, food stamps, medical, etc to 30 million illegals. There has to be another reason why Pres. Bush, John McCain, Harry Reid, and others do NOT want to close the border. Please, I am looking for any ideas as to why

Physics question Thermal properties of matter?

A typical nuclear reactor generates 1000 MW (1000MJ/s) of electrical energy. In doing so, it produces 2000 MW of "waste heat" that must be removed from reactor. Many reactors where the intake water is at 18 degrees C. Stae regulations limit the temperature of the output wat to 30 degrees C so as not to harm aquatic organisms. How many kilograms of cooling water have to be pumped through the reactor each minute?

Wot could i get me mum 4 mothers day i got 20 quid bout half and hour and i got to gat it at a high street?

You must think alot of your mum...Leaving it til the last minute !!! Bet she gives you more thought...

CRB, police and IFO incompetents?

Yes....I am a retired police officer and a retired legal investigator. The ONLY way I know of to resolve this issue is to hire an attorney so your record can be expunged. Good luck

I don't like butch women but they're relentless?

My girlfriend and i are both very femme and i think that is one of the reasons why whenever we go out together, no one believes we're a couple. Last night three different butch women came onto me in Manchesters gay village and when i said i was taken and i wasn't really into butch they just kept on coming. It p's my girlfriend off and she nearly punched one of the women. I had to pull them apart and then when we got home my girlfriend had a go at me and said that i lead them on. How the hell did i lead them on and what can i say next time to get them off my case?

Calif.-from fulltime teaching to a subsitiute teacher.i will file 2 lower chld sup.what will family court do?

Im almost positive that there is a minimum amount allowed for support. Probably figured at minimum wage for 40 hours. Even if you dont work that, you may be responsible for that.

If you survive cancer, will it affect your life expectancy? If so, by how much?

I am a cancer survivor. I tend to live each day as a gift from God. I have more patience with my family who supported me through this. I have learned to love and appreciate life and those things around me that we take for granted.

For the ladies out here, i really need a good answer! men can answer too!?

I think most of the time we all should listen to what's rational,even though Women's Intuition is usually right As women we can look into something way to much and create something that isn't real

Experts say that radiation spewing into the US from Japan may not pose significant health risks, but...?

What if this continues for many months or even years? Radiation is showing up in the US in the rain, in the milk and in the air, and there has been no meltdown yet, which may still happen. The National Cancer Society explained that even small levels of ionizing radiation increase the risk of cancer.

Question about homemade beef jerky?

Me and my friend decided to make homemade beef jerky to save money. We did the drying process correctly but we never heated the meat to 170 degrees F. Is the jerky still safe to eat even though we didn't heat it? We got the meat at wal-mart.

I wear a ring size 7, what is the best ct size for me in your opinion?

i wouldn't go bigger than 1ct, my sister is a 6 1/2 and has a 3/4ct and it looks beautiful on her... dont just look at size either! my mother's ring is 1/2ct and is worth double my sisters because of the cut/color and the quality. Size isnt the only thing relative with diamonds. I'd rather have a perfectly cut colorless diamond than a huge dull one


talking shyt about anyone's kid is never taken as a joke. she is pissed off and what i think you need to do is be a MAN. and go up to her and tell her it was you. if you get your *** whooped o well you deserve it. dont ever put someone's child in anything. especially talking shyt about them.

Should I go to France or Germany for Foreign Exchange?

i think france. it seems way more exiting and its not like one guy is gonna walk up to you and start swearing or anything. it doesnt happen here so what makes you think itll happen there. youve been fascinated w/france and the language for years so i say go there.

I feel lost, I've hit a new low after failing two engineering cles.?

Sounds like you are in engineering because it is what your parents want or what you think will get you a good job. This may be true but in the end if you are unhappy it is not worth it. It is hard to know what you want to be at 20 and can be at 30 0r 40 too but if you are struggling to concentrate in cl it may mean you aren't interested in the subject. My opinion is that you have to do something that you at least like but you are better off doing what you love if you know what that is. Money is a necessary evil but if you are doing something you really enjoy generally you will be happier and will do it so well that it will take care of your needs financially. There are lots of people who take a vocation based on practical reasons but if you don't really like it you'll find that you will struggle with it and even if the money is good eventually you will look to do something else. Now is the time for you to really collect your thoughts and decide what you really want to do before you get responsibilities that prevent you from making a change. Take a career test on one of the many employment sites and see what your strengths really are and go from there. Good luck.

Help buying lacrosse stick?

i need someone to give me advice on buying a stick i would either get he stx vandium grip with the stx super power or the brine mp scandium sizzle with the clutch x any other suggestions would be good please get back to me

Can you or someone you know help my Father?

I think his qualification and experience may be not in demand in this country. Have a discussion with the employment agents to get their help to find any jobs on other fields suitable for him.

Forgiveness and compion for both Victim and sinner?

I just received a letter from our pastor that the school teacher that just recently served 2 years and was convicted of intent for child molestation is returning to our church and community. His family has forgiven him and the preachers have said that he has asked for forgiveness from our loving Lord. The letter was very moving and we as church members are to welcome him with open arms. Of course he will have all of the restrictions that a child molester must endure including never teaching again. What would your reaction be to the slippery slope he started down and the amount of trust the church should allow?

Does this mean something?

I think you just startle easily. When a person is startled, he or she jumps at something because it is unexpected, like a sudden noise, or when someone sneaks up behind you. It's a perfectly normal reaction, and some are more prone to it than others. Babies often startle, even in their sleep. There are no hidden meanings except that your nervous system is functioning at its best

I bought a rogue b guitar shaped like a violin, but can't find the model online?

Can anyone help me figure out what the model of this guitar is. Its the same design as the VB100 Series II that's out nowadays, but this is a dark cherry burgundy metallic color and does not have the pearl design on the front. Please help.

Did I cite my website and book using MLA correctly? See any errors?

Here is a website that I use all the time in college. It is MLA online, thru Purdue University... this is a good resource to have for this question, as well as in the future. a href="http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/05/" rel="nofollow"http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resour…/a

Does anyone know value of toy farm implements/truck from the 1960's?I HAVE some I wish to sell.?

these toy farm implements were purchased in the early 1960's, I am the original owner. including an IH truck,, wagon, john deere tractor, elevator, plow, McCormick spreader, JD baler. in above average condition, good condition. moveable parts, tires, etc. am interested to learn what the value might be. And maybe selling these sentimental toys. thanks

Hitler's rise to power and WWII film?

I saw a film in History about Hitlers rise to power and WWII. It was a narrated film with real footage. It included talking about events after wwI, the olympics in berlin, holocaust, america in wwii, and all that stuff. Does anyone know this film?

Any moms here taking Yasmin 28?

i was on yasmin actually when i got pregnant. i did not have any weight gain from taking the pill. i took the pill for over a year then at my yearly exam i found out i was 6 weeks pregnant and i then stopped taking the pill. but prior to the pregnancy i was 95 lbs when i started the pill and 95 when I stopped taking the pill.

Is it safe to go to El Salvador right now?

I really want to go to el salvador because i miss it their and I was wondering if it would be safe. I'm 14 right now and my family is planning on going in february of next year.

Rights of the unborn, can they vote?

Since the unborn can't vote, abortion will never be outlawed so just get over it! Put abortion aside and vote for Obama. Do you honestly think McCain will appoint judges that will overthrow Rowe vs. Wade? McCain supports stem cell research. How could you vote for him if you are Pro Life? 8 more years of the same because of the abortion issue?

Objections to Findings and Order After Hearing???

Your fiances attorney can file those papers. At least I certainly hope he has an attorney and isn't trying to do this himself. Otherwise, he is going to get screwed.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is it possible to have a "sac with no baby" without fertalization?

my best friend had a sack with no baby in it... well i mean there was a baby at one point but her body rejected it and what the doc stated was her body broke it down and absored it back up. but all that was left was her sack that she had to p :(

Turning 14 an wanting to fly a plane really bad but there's a problem?

ok out of the bunch of the family,i want to be a pilot. yes i do. i wouldnt mind what i would have to fly, a glider, balloon, helicopter, or a plane. but all i know is its not cheap. i am not a very rich person, about an average U.S. pay ( for my parents). But i think i wouold like to fly a glider. i want to fly for fun and then go into something serious, im in the durham NC area and am looking to call up Blue Sky Adventure at RDU. and check it out if i can get my dad to get me going, also i was wondering how old do you have to be to fly military jets. im going into the ROTC in high school and was looking foward to fly there, but now i am thinking i would like to start a little bit earlier. any suggestions and answers to my questions?

Can any one gameshare with me?

Ive been looking for someone that has call of duty black ops prestige edition for ps3. I really want world at war zombie maps on black ops, im willing to gameshare myself. i cant really list the games i bought. I have so many, if you can gameshare, ill gameshare. If u see it in my download history, u can have it, i even have add-ons, i have all burnout paradise add-ons and warhawk add-ons. i will only gameshare those with black ops prestige edition for zombie maps.

Can someone tell me about different types of Censorship?

I working on a school research paper about censorship, and I need help thinking of different types of Censorship. I you give me a websites please no wiki, or .edu sites.

Guppy Breeding - a few questions?

If you know when your fish goes into labor or it looks like put her in the 5 gallon and when she has the guppies get her out ASAP she will eat them and you can feed the guppies the flakes and no don't put any gravel in there with them.The signs that i figured out when there in labor is is that she hides and she swims really fast goes to each corner of the tank go up and down the tank and stuff like that which is what my Oranda Goldfish is doing but I don't know if shes dying or pregnant cause iv only had guppies and i think shes dying but still think she pregnant.

Raiders defeat Bengals... Chiefs defeat Steelers? Whats going on here?

Well you have to admit this as a Bengals fan, that they didn't play their best game. It is as simple as that. When you don't play your best, things like that will happen. I am a Long time raiders fan and I won't say that we are the best, but what I will say is that the Raiders looked like they wanted the game more. It seemed like the Bengals didn't prepare the way they should have and they thought that they were going to walk into Oakland and get an easy win. The Steelers didn't prepare for the Chiefs and they thought that they were going to get an easy win but the Chiefs are getting better. Cel is playing like the guy we say last year with New England and the Chambers pick-up was great. It seems like ever since they cut Johnson, they have played so much better. My point is, if you don't prepare well, then there is always a chance you will lose.

What is the song that plays in 'Underworld'?

The one when she shoots the floor around her. The song also appears on 'The Jackal' in the scene when he's hiding under the stairs and shoots that guy

How Do I start a Fundraising Website?

A video based marketing campaign can be a very effective and economical way to reach an audience! The platform referred to in the attached link can also be used as a monetary measure as well as a promotional device at the same time! Good luck in any case in finding a solution to your friend's son's stuttering problem!

I mad e a false question asking if i were 2 go on a kiddie site if i would get in trouble?

i wanted to know wht would happenif i was to click on a kidde website so i asked yahoo and some one with the naetwork growth and oil commented and said tht they were chris hasen can i go to jail for thsi and can some one confirm tht tht was really chris hasen i love his television show

Could u just tell me this?

I didn't really get any pregnancy symptoms until AFTER I got a positive pregnancy test. The hormone that pregnancy tests pick up, is the hormone that causes the symptoms.

Why do aghoris perform ascetic rituals?

this is for a-level religious studies. i need to know and understand why shaivites perform such rituals to show bhakti (devotion to their god). a quick answer would be much appreciated as the task needs to be handed in soon, but i cant find any info on the web, thank you!!

What kind of makeup do you wear with sweatpants?

I know most of you are going to say "none", and to let you guys know I never wear makeup, I'm just curious :)

Is there any type of crisis chat rooms?

I don't have a phone to call any hotlines and I would rather talk online anyways even if I did. I am having lots of things going on and I have already overdosed last week my boyfriend is at work and I literally have no friends I have googled crisis chat rooms and can't find anything. Please help.

Watching a program that looks into the minds of criminals, and it talks about Susan Smith?

Her story never added up to start with, don't think there was ever one time when she could look straight on during being on camera without keeping her eyes downward.

Professional Bowling Question?

Hi everyone. My fiance is a fantastic bowler. It is his life long dream to become a pro bowler. He has bowled over 18 300 games, numerous 299 games, one 800 game and has an average of 220 at least. He does not have the resources to go to tournaments. We basically live pay check to pay check. We live in Cleveland Ohio. Any information you can give me would be great. I just hate to see hime waste his talent.

In your opinion, did Sotomayor get it right in Didden v. Village of Port Chester?

Absolutely not. It's like taking someone's little boutique and giving it to Walmart. The government should not be allowed to take private property to give it to a big business. That's done simply because they want the additional taxes. It's certainly not fair.

Appropriate motorbike working as a courier?

Honda is the best. Get the one that is most comfortable to you you will be rideing it all day so comfort is the most important thing.

What is the stand absorption temaparature for so3 in oleum(25%)?

here- so3 is solute , oleum(25%) as a solvent . what will be the operating temparature for the absoption tower

How to get your movies onto your Itouch?

So I bought the "Happy Gilmore" movie from itunes and I'm trying to figure out how to sync it to my Ipod touch. Anyone know how to do it?

Can anyone tell me what the breed of cat was that robbie williams used to have.?

it was a new domestic breed that was a miniature of a big cat. He paid about �10,000 for each - he had 2.

Lift kit help?

i have a nissan Xterra and i am thinking of puting 33" tires on it. to do this, i am pretty sure i have to put a lift on it. If i am going to pay for a lift, im going to want a 3" one. Around how much is a 3 inch lift, 33 inch tires and rims going to cost me?

Christians, why do some of you want God on the money, and Christian prayer in schools?

When I read the Bible, it tells me that God made it clear that he wanted no empty gestures and vain pieties, but righteousness and justice. Which are mumbled prayers igned by the state, and money named "God," more likely to be?

Benadryl and cough medicine...which should I give her?

My baby is 1 1/2....Dr. says she has a cold and to just use the cough medicine (DM) she perscribed months back. She has a miserable cough from the mucus and is very hoarse so I was thinking of giving her benadryl to dry her up. It always worked before but I have been scared to try it because she has been taking this cough syrup...how many hours should I wait before admin the benadryl...she had the cough medicine last at 4:30 and her nose is still pouring.

Help on my blackberry curve 8520!!!!?

i would like to no how to use blackberry messenger i dont know how to use it if any1 can add me plz add me i jus want to try it then you can delete me and my msn dosnt work on my blackberry it says sevice not enable for this handheld plz tell me and what is a data plan this is getting on my nurves.

I don't understand guys!?

Yes, your friends are making him feel self conscience. Although it's fun to talk about a guy you like with your friends, it's not always helpful. Keep them out of it. Good Luck.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why did he ignore me!?!?!?

hey i have one question for you guys. a while ago i met a guy who used to have a crush on me a few years ago. i didnt meet him since then. now when i met him he said hi very quickly but didn't seem interested in talking to me. we used to be friends back then...but now he ignored me! the weird thing is that he was hiding and secretely watched me when i played my badminton match. why did he do that? was he shy? would b geat if you could help me! :)

For those of you that DO believe the following about biuals, please answer?

I don't believe that s are any of those things that you listed. Quite frankly, as a , I would just prefer to be with someone who is on the same page in the dept.

Is this a good dark deck??? jk its sucks help me fix it?

i agree with the other guy but if u really like a dark deck u defin8ly need 2 get dark armed dragon if its not 2 much money. but beside that your deck is good and completely tournament legal

Which of the following sentences illustrates the rule to avoid putting commas between two compound elements?

All of them. You could change 'd' to The map, which we requested, turned out to be incorrect; but the meaning is slightly different because I've turned it into a descriptive clause rather than a limiting clause. Either way, you cannot have the one comma that you inserted.

Its it ok t masturbate with hand mager vibrator?

i been masturbating with a home-medics hand held mages for about a a month or so and im beginning to feel a lil pain when im . is the vibration hurting my gland idk..can i get some help here

I want to become a student housing landlord, how do I go about it?

about how much money do you think i would need to begin? i live in upstate ny around syracuse. I'm interested in starting, but want to find out exactly how much everything would cost and what license and all i need. thanks

Does Bruce Springsteen think he's Phil Ochs?

a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Ochs" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Ochs/a

Somebody please tell me why the govt gives tax exemptions and eic for kids???

I will have a follow up question to this shortly, but real quick, will someone tell me why the government gives you money for having your kids when you file taxes. I know its not out of the goodness of the governments heart.

Is it just me or did Logan ruin Gilmore Girls?

I couldn't bring myself to watch the show anymore after his character was introduced.. he was sooooo annoying, what were the writers thinking?

Stress relief and calming relaxation techniques for when at work?

my boss just went ballistic at me over something i didn't do can you please give me some relaxation techniques before i throw a tantrum and quit!! AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is your ALL TIME favourite MAKE UP FOUNDATION?

Its going to cost you a little more, but this is it:CHANEL VITALUMI�RE MOISTURE-RICH RADIANCE FLUID MAKEUP SPF 15. If you want a buit cheaper I loveShiseido 'The Makeup' Advanced Hydro-Liquid Compact SPF 15 , its a cream type with a sponge, medium coverage and leaves your skin looking radiant. Cost $29 for the re fill.

Were on the internet can i find a wide body kit for my 1999 Isuzu rodeo?

every were i look it takes me to some pictures but the cars that it is showing are not rodeos :( were can i find what im looking for i want to trick mine out because no body around here has one, yea like to be the only one with things

What is the true name of mark twain?

The true name of the author commonly known as Mark Twain is Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Clemens used other pen names including "Josh" and "Thomas Jefferson Snodgr". The name Mark Twain comes from Clemens' time working on river boats. The riverboatman's cry was "mark twain" or, more fully, "by the mark twain", meaning "according to the mark [on the line], [the depth is] two [fathoms]", that is, "there are 12 feet (3.7 m) of water under the boat and it is safe to p".

Do water delivery trucks have automatic transmission?

Like Arrowhead or Sparkletts etc., I was wondering if the delivery trucks that deliver the 5 gallon water jugs have an automatic transmission.

Don't do this to Christian Bale!!!?

Even though I am not a Tom Cruise fan, I always thought the same thing about his movies. I think it may be because they (Tom and Christian) are the main (hot) stars of the movie and that the creators don't want a "hot" female overshadowing the male's performance.

McCanns: innocent man hared over 'Madeleine lookalike' daughter ?

The main priority is to find a missing child regardless of what the gossips say. Can you imagine what would happen if the police didn't investigate any possible sightings?

Stomach and back pain on my left side?

hello will just give you a bit of backgrounc, my real question is does anyone know what i can eat that wont make me throw up again?, but i went to the hospital last night with really bad pain in my left lower stomach and back, and they did a blood test and gave me.. i think it was panadeine forte... which didnt do anything, and then a painkiller that went up my nose (eeeew) that helped a little, and after that i was able to move my legs and sit up again. before i went to thhe hospital i was vomiting really violently, never had naything like that before,like that bad, but after a couple hours they needed more beds and i said i was good to go home because it only hurt a little after the nose painkiller thing.... so anyway... i was sick again at the hospital, then again when i got home, and thought id be able to sleep it off but after bout an hour of sleep i woke up again and the pain is back, all down the left side of my stomach, and and back, i cant move my leg on the left side, and its spreading across to the tops of my thighs on both sides.... they didnt tell me much at the hospital which is cool cos they were busy as hell, but does anyone know what this could be? i think im going to go to the docs when it opens bcos the pain is so bad now that i had to i crawl to the computer and take breaks to just lie on the floor cos it felt cold... lol... i have chills as well that are just... making my whole body shake and i cantcontrol them and i feel like im a hundred degreees, im so hot and cant cool down.... also, does anyone know what i can eat that wont make me sick again? something harmless like celery or cuber? i think being hungry is adding to the stomach ache i havnt eaten for 2 days, just cos i couldnt keep anything down..... im 18 years old, if that helps, so i dont think its my kidneys or anything..? jst no idea lol never felt pain like this before, apreaciate any help sorry for spelling

I thought they weren't gonna remove Original Xbox Live until April?

I tried playing Burnout 3 online (for old times sake). And it didn't work. I bought it from Xbox Live. Any clue why it isn't working?

How do i change my tripod head? I cant get the old one off to put the new one on.?

I have a Manto ball head on a Manto tripod. I have tried to turn the head counterclockwise, but it didn't work.

Relationships and green cards?

Okay, so I met this woman who is from the Philippines through Yahoo Personals, we have been communicating through cell phone, internet chat, physical mail, email,text messaging, instant messaging since November. I am a filipino born in the United States. And we have every intention of meeting physically in person sometime later this year. I may be going over there through a missionary trip near her hometown of Manila. I was wondering, for those who have experience, how can I tell if this lady I am going to meet up with is only after my citizenship so she could get a green card? I have been very careful to listen and read every word this lady has said over the phone, text, and mail. Yes, I am wanting to get to know her and see what goes on from there. I am very excited but yet cautious. What are some points to know about a situation like this, her only after my citizenship so she could get a green card?

What singer has the best voice of our generation? (choices below)?

ohhhh you got me caught up with kiedis and grohl...but i think grohl is better live...but red hot chili peppers is my favorite band still dave grohl

Have you read Gerry and Kate McCanns daily routine on the find Madeleine website?

Doesn't look like 'no stone unturned' to me. Please go to findmadeleine.com and read their daily routine,the twins spend most of the day in the babysitting club,while Gerry and Kate do a bit of running and some together time!

What's wrong with treating your pets like family?

When I say "treating your pets like family," I mean loving them, spending lots of time with them, talking to them, cooking for them. When someone asks me about my family, I say, "My pets are my family." My biological (for lack of a better word) "family" abandoned, abused, and did nothing but hurt me. I don't have people "family" or relatives, my pets are all I have. What's wrong with that? My dogs and cats show me unconditional love, something I never received as a child.

What should I say to him?

I met a guy at a rodeo about three weeks ago.. I thought he was really cute, but I didn't bother flirting with him because he had a girlfriend. I saw on his facebook that they broke up last week and I'd like to get to know him. What can I use as a good excuse to message him without sounding like a creeper?

What's the best size trailer (utility) to pull with a 4 cyl. Saturn Vue?

I want to buy a trailer for my Saturn. I'm using this trailer for extra camping equipment. I've heard that the bigger the tire the less likely the bearings will burn out. This will be about a 2000 mile trip. My Bro - n- Law has a small trailer that would do the job,but I worry about the high ,sustained speeds, between 60 and 75 mph,if it will burn the bearings out.

Advice needed on large lump of fossilised wood?

sounds like you are bored with it try selling it on ebay! Or contact a local museum near you and ask if they want it, if it were worth anything and if you can sell it to them or if they know any collectors nearby who would purchase it. Advertise in your local paper once you find out all the information you can about it if you have no luck elsewhere.

I need advice about my psychiatrist visits & my medication?

OK so I started to see a psychiatrist about 5 months ago for my OCD and anxiety. I am now taking 20 mg of Cipralex daily. But I don't feel as though it is working for my OCD that much. The only reason that I like the medication is b/c there are no side effects, but there is no decrease in my OCD (my OCD is moderate by the way). I feel that my overall anxiety has been helped though, like I feel less tense and haven't been talking anxiety attacks. I only see my psychiatrist once a month, and we do not really do any therapy. Just talk about my medication & such. I haven't seen him in almost 2 months as of now, and I was just wondering if this is normal? Perhaps the meds are not really working because it should really be in conjunction with therapy ??? I'm not sure. Advice please.

Is salvation through faith alone or faith and good works?

That can be a bit of a trick question. Some will say faith is all that is required. But what if someone claims to be saved, but do not act as if. What if they continue to live as if nothing has changed. Then are they truly saved? Others will tell you both faith and works is necessary, but Paul appears to discount this idea. So what is the truth? The idea is a Christian that is saved by faith will naturally achieve the works by proxy. They will act according to the Spirit which takes no real effort which doesn't really make it an act of works. Right? Well, how about that first time a person confesses and becomes a Christian? Was that an act of the Spirit or an act of the individual? I guess it depends on who you ask. Personally I believe we must act on our faith. We must live by example. Although the Spirit often leads our decisions which does make it easier, it is still undoubtedly our decisions to make. So I have to believe there must be a balance of faith and works. I believe our faith is our motivation to perform the works. This being said, I believe one without the other is lacking and unjustified. This is the message I get from James. God Bless! +?+


SIR GEORGE [Nap] 2.05 DON............. Fitz Flyer 2.35 DON............. King's Councel 5.55 DON..... Res Monkton Vale 5.20 DON

Why don't european soccer leagues have playoffs?

Like the english premier league. I mean whats so fun if half of the teams are removed from title contention by mid-season and the title is clinched by a team with still a month left to play. Plus why isn't there any salary cap in the leagues...so it's like manchester united and chelsea are like the new york yankees of epl, same with barca and real madrid for the spainish league. Other teams in those leagues will they ever have a chance to compete?

Would like to find any/all article's or possible picture's of team.?

My sister was a quarterback for a semi-pro women's team somewhere around the time1969-1972? The team was from BuffaloN.Y.Possibly called the Belle's. They might have actually been part of a Canadian league. I lost the only clipping of a game I had. My sister's married name was Donna Sutter from No. Tonawanda N.Y.

Where to play an online game with no downloading?

and i dont mean where to play different games like if u go 2 pogo.com u will lots of different games. i dont mean that kind of website

Whats better? Oil-filled radiator or oil-free?

Oil filled radiators are sealed units .You do not have to fill them.They use oil instead of water because it supposedly stays hotter for longer than other liquids.

Does anybody know where i can get a job? I'm 16 and will work anywhere, anytime. Thanks.?

can u give me the position, pay, hours, and destination? within 10 miles of Garden Grove, Ca 92843 plz?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I need to translate this sentence viet to english.?

Cam on anh rat' nhie^`u, anh da~ giup' em nhie^`u lam', ne^'u la^`n na`y em thi dau^ em se~ dai~ anh 1 bua~ ngon lanh`, tinh` ban muo^n nam......

Help with a marketing plan please!!?

You can make marketing plans for whole industry, but its highly unusual. From what the lecturer said I understand that he meat to base it for a company. ume that you have capital to start up a business related to bread, think of how you will market that business. How would you establish it? How would you deal with existing competitors who are already established and you are just a new comer? How's your business different from others? How strategic is your location? What are the market segments and which is your target market? How likely is that you will succeed in your business? Sources of finance? What if things dont go as expected? how long will it take to recover investment? How much profit will it generate?

Do eyes build up immunity to chlorine?

Last year, I stopped wearing goggles when swimming. When I opened my eyes underwater, my vision would be blurry and my eyes would burn subsequent to being in the pool. Every time I did this, it progressively got better. This year, tho only thing that happens after opening my eyes underwater is my vision becoming the tiniest bit foggy, but this happens only on occasion.

Will the next pope Peter the Roman (Petrus Rom) not live in the city of Rome due to volcanic eruption?

If I live in Rome, I would be more worried about Campi Flegrei, rather than Mt Vesuvius, more distant; but overall you forget Yellowstone supervolcano: a 9 Richter eartquake would be nothing, in comparison...

What do you guys think of brett rogers telling kimbo what real mma fans want to tell him?

i loved it kimbo sucks and im glad brett told him how it is for those who dont know there gonna fight and brett rogers is 6 foot 5 and 7-0 undefeated

For virtual villagers 4?

Do you know of any cheat codes to make my food and tech points go up fast for virtual villagers 4 on the iPod touch

I think im having a nervous breakdown.?

Just recently i have been very stressed. I will sometimes cry for no reason, which is weird because i never cry. I haven't eaten much. Just like a small meal a day. Or nothing. i cant focus in school and im always very jittery. My boyfriend asked me why im so nervous all the time and i just tell him im not. Is my subconscious mind trying to tell me something?

Whats happening?

The first line of your file seems to imply that you're trying to open a PDF file. If so, PDF files should be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader and not Word. How you fix this depends on the version of Explorer/Firefox and Acrobat you're using.

Where can i get 20' four rims? BONUS!!!!!!!!!?

I have a 08 nissan sentra and it is a four lug. i want to put 20's on it. Ive seen it before, probably on 3 other cars. you can even type it in on google and you would find them. Im just asking where can i get some good ones?

Bombings down 30% in Baghdad, execution style killings by 50%...is the troop surge working?

And only 2 of 5 brigades are on the ground...I sure hope it is the start of something good over there...wouldn't that be great, whether you the leftist lefty or the hardest neocon?

Physics help with Joules?

Determine how many joules of electrical energy you can buy for a dollar in Pennsylvania, where the average cost is 8.89 cents per kW-h.

How can I remove sticky residue from scotch tape on my black leather couch?

I have black leather couch which has some sticky residue from scotch tape. What is the best way to remove it without ruining my couch?

Milky way December 21st 2012???

that is a predicament but there is a problem that the earth is not in the same path has it was the earth moves slightly including the entire solar system. basically it could be true that we will be. underground facilities were developed for viral impacts like you said. But if we tweak it a little we can prove it to help us. But the rays can be helpful to us because they can destroy large amounts of harmful bacteria.

What does my teacher mean when she asks us this?

I think she did lol. just write: " The common pollutants in the air are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and lead compounds"

Water filters for kitchen sink?

Want to install water filter on kitchen sink. Don't want to keep lugging home heavy water bottles. Which is the better and easier to use-the under sink variety or the nozzle kind-and why?

In this case, are you buying the 'boys will be boys' excuse?

Your poor son, i would have gone crazy on the teacher. That is bullying and she needs to stop them as soon as she sees them. Honestly i learned the best way to teach my to defend himself and not be bullied was to take him around other kids and if they tried to bully him i would tell him to hit back and defend himself. But i also told him it is not nice to start a fight he can only hit if they hit him first. He is 3 1/2 and he is not a bully and he is not being bullied at daycare or anything like that. It took me a good 3 months though for him to hit back, he was scared he would get in trouble.

Find the number of sides in a regular polygon in which the degree measure of an interior angle exceeds 3 times

Find the number of sides in a regular polygon in which the degree measure of an interior angle exceeds 3 times the degree measure of an exterior angle.

Why is my kenmore freezer not freezing?

i have a kenmore upright freezer that just stopped freezing. i went down the other day and it was starting to thaw, i thought it was just defrosting itself, but two days later it is still not freezing anything. there is power to it. any suggestions would be helpful.