Monday, November 14, 2011

Democrats propaganda?

It seems to me that the democrats never stopped campaigning. With this new ad out about the republicans saying "no to rebuilding America," it just looks like more partisan slams. What it amounts to is a subtle attempt at a coup. It seems as though they are trying to ensure their continued level of power in government by belittling the other party mercilessly. It is basically, if it succeeds, a communistic one-party rule system. They ruthlessly bash anyone who gets in their way. Rush Limbaugh? They've been on him for years. Fairness Doctrine? More like censorship legalized. What else would you call it? Trying to censor the opposition, putting out a stream of never-ending propaganda against the opposition, and continuously reneging on campaign promises in favor of cramming through partisan bills and laws because they CAN. Does that sound like something healthy for our country? It sounds like Stalin without the Great Purge....

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