Friday, November 11, 2011

Should I go back to therapy?Im 13, please help.?

So I went to therapy only three times though. See, My mom had a stroke and I found her, my lifes changed so much. But not just that, my parents and I dont get along, its not like normal teenager stuff, I mean kinda but not really. My dad, calls me a disappointment, in sports he never tells me goodjob he always has to criticize me, my dad doesn't trust me, he thinks im always lying(hes told me this)I always get in trouble and yelled at, I get grounded all the time. My mom gets angry with me, she always is cussing at me and calls me names. and tell you the truth im actually afraid of my dad, he gets so angry and he will grab my arm really hard. And theres a bunch more things. But, one day i just lost it and i harmed myself, i do regret it, but sometimes I still wanna do it, because i get so upset, I'll sit in my room and just cry. I dont know what to do, advice?

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