Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is salvation through faith alone or faith and good works?

That can be a bit of a trick question. Some will say faith is all that is required. But what if someone claims to be saved, but do not act as if. What if they continue to live as if nothing has changed. Then are they truly saved? Others will tell you both faith and works is necessary, but Paul appears to discount this idea. So what is the truth? The idea is a Christian that is saved by faith will naturally achieve the works by proxy. They will act according to the Spirit which takes no real effort which doesn't really make it an act of works. Right? Well, how about that first time a person confesses and becomes a Christian? Was that an act of the Spirit or an act of the individual? I guess it depends on who you ask. Personally I believe we must act on our faith. We must live by example. Although the Spirit often leads our decisions which does make it easier, it is still undoubtedly our decisions to make. So I have to believe there must be a balance of faith and works. I believe our faith is our motivation to perform the works. This being said, I believe one without the other is lacking and unjustified. This is the message I get from James. God Bless! +?+

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